To remain as a congregation, for the lifetime of Truth Church, steadfast in the Apostle’s Doctrine of Acts 2:38 salvation; in the Oneness of God as stated in Deuteronomy 6:4; in Biblical holiness of character and lifestyle; in passion to win the lost for Christ and strengthen the Church both locally and abroad.
To ever realize that the New Testament Church is our model for defining ourselves; that we must continually strive to match their lifestyle, teaching and experience.
To be a welcoming and compassionate congregation, while at the same time unwavering in practicing and teaching the Biblical principle that Christ likeness in our lives is the intent of salvation.
To establish a thriving home church in Chico as our base of mission.
To provide top quality training and equipping of leaders and workers to carry out this Vision.
To develop church ministries serving the needs of all families and individuals, both spiritually and socially, from all walks of life.
To establish branch works in cities all over this Northern Sacramento Valley, from the Feather River to the Oregon border.
To be an active influence in our communities for helpful human service, righteousness and compassion, beginning in Chico and wherever else our influence extends.
To be fit spiritually, financially and with talent, enabling us to help others or those from Truth Church in planting churches all over the USA and foreign lands
To believe together that this is just the beginning...
God is…
Creation proves the existence of a Creator. God is, and is self – existent & self – authenticating. By Him all things consist. Genesis 1:1, Romans 1:20, Hebrews 11:6.
The infallible authenticity of the Bible…
We believe the Bible, The Word of God, to be inspired by God Himself, and it is the only infallible and authoritative written word of God. Luke 21:33, 2 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 3:5, 2 Peter 3:2.
God is One…
Although manifested as Father, Son and Holy Ghost, He remains indivisibly One, not three persons making up one Godhead. Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 45:5-6, James 2:19.
Jesus is God…
God was manifest in the flesh to atone for the sins of all mankind by his sacrificial death on the cross. Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1 & 14, 1 Timothy 3:16.
The Holy Ghost is God indwelling the believer…
Not a third person of the Godhead, but the Spirit of God himself imparted into the spirit of the Christian (see also Galatians 4:6). John 14:16-18, 20, 26, 2 Corinthians 6:16.
Salvation is possible only by the grace of God, but fulfilled in our obedience to His plan of salvation. The new birth spoken of by Jesus in John 3:1-7 is the entrance to the kingdom of God. We believe this new birth is fulfilled when one has experienced salvation through repentance (denouncing sin & surrendering to Christ), water baptism by full immersion in Jesus’ name, and infilling of the Holy Ghost with the accompanying evidence of speaking with tongues, a God-given & supernatural event. Acts 2:38, John 3:1-7, Acts 4:12, Acts 8: 12, 15-16, Acts 10:1-6, 44-48, Acts 19: 1-6.
Miracles & Gifts of the Spirit…
We believe that God’s supernatural power can still operate in the Church today. Healing and other extraordinary signs and wonders can take place among us. Mark 10:27, Mark 16:17-18, Acts 19:11-12, 1 Corinthians 12.
Christian lifestyle…
We believe that Christians represent Christ in the earth, so our entire lifestyle should reflect godliness in every aspect of living: attitude, character, relationships, apparel, interactions with our fellow man and all other areas of our conduct. Romans 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1, Titus 2:12, 1 Peter 1:15, 1 Peter 2:9
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ & Eternity…
We believe the Church, those living and dead in Christ, will be literally ‘caught up’ (The Rapture) from the earth by Jesus Christ as time comes to an end and eternity begins. Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, Revelation 22:20.
Pastor and Sis. Morton
Early Life
The year was 1966, my parents were pastoring in Fairfield, California, and there I arrived in February. My mother and father were very diligent to raise my brother and I to do the right things in life. It was in Stockton, California that I received the born again experience. At 8 or 9 years old I repented of my sins, received the Holy Ghost speaking with tongues and was baptized in Jesus’ name.
I never looked back. For one thing, Mom’s home was a consecrated home, and church life wasn’t an elective. Sure, I made my share of mistakes, prone to all the human failings, but my course was set. Living for God was my magnificent obsession! In 1984 I graduated high school, then graduated Christian Life College, in 1988.
The Wife And Kids
In all of this, I was not too busy or consecrated to find time for romance! Kristi Claborn, whom we all call KC, was always around in those growing up years. Just the goofy girl with the eye glasses too thick. Whoa, whoa, whoa, did things change when she became a teenager! Who was this luminescent beauty?
So here we are today, married since February 1989 (yes, February has been a good month for me) with 3 fantastic kids: Drew, Gentry and Alayna. She and the kids have been there through it all! Five years assisting Bishop Vaughn Morton in Truth Tabernacle, Fresno California; 4 years traveling as an evangelist; and then, April of 1996, we landed here in Chico. My strong towers, my wife and kids. Right in the thick of the work, building it up stone upon stone.
Ministerial Background
In high school I knew I wanted to be active doing the work of God, but my call to the pulpit ministry was gradual. No blinding light and voice from heaven, just getting busy, and then God opened the doors. I entered full time ministry in 1986 on youth staff at Christian Life Center, Stockton, California.
In 1987, I began full time assistant ministry at Truth Tabernacle, Fresno, California. This began eminent years of ministerial formation for me. Truth Tabernacle is our home church, yet I am very thankful and ever mindful for all of the instrumental people who marked my life along the way.
So here we are today, with Truth Church Chico, the city that captured our hearts. These saints of God in TC are an exceptional church family! The right mix of progressive Apostolic without compromise, revival minded, Biblically sound, with reaching a lost world at the center of their hearts. God has blessed us!
Lead on Lord!
Truth Church is a growing community with many viable ministries to enrich your journey as a Believer. Here at TC, we strongly believe in maintaining a family atmosphere where you are always welcome. From Small Groups to Student, Children and Music ministry, we have it all! We encourage you to connect with our ministry team leaders, as they are happy to answer any questions you may have. To connect with specific ministry leaders, simply speak with one of our welcome team members when you visit or via our contact page and we make sure to direct you to the appropriate staff member. Whether you are just beginning or further along in your journey, consider Truth Church a part of your Christian family. Jump in. Connect. This is home.